Bus Mirrors, Mirror Arms and Bus Camera Systems

Ashtree bus mirrors and mirror arms are used by busbuilders around the world.  These include unbreakable mirrors, interior mirrors, main mirrors – classes II & III, wide angle mirrors – classes IV, V & VI, interior mirrors, S1300 and S1500 mirror arms. Our twin lens bus mirrors can be powered and adjustable.

We also supply CMS camera systems for buses known as mirror replacement cameras which are R46 approved, Class II & IV CMS systems. These are rear and side view camera systems.

Browse the range of bus products in the PDF opposite (which you can download for ease of reference) or click on the links below to see specific products with full specifications.

bus mirrors

Browse or download our PDF catalogue

CMS Cameras for buses

AVS-VIS1000, R46 approved, class II & IV CMS system for buses and coaches. Mirror replacement cameras for buses.

CMS camera R

A bus driver's rearward fields of visibility are covered by Class II & III approved devices - traditionally mirrors. Increasingly, cameras are being used and Ashtree are leading the field with our AVS-VIS1000 rear and side view camera system.

cms monitor

Twin Lens, Powered and
Adjustable Mirror

Our twin lens mirror is available as manual adjust with 12v or 24v heated  for buses and coaches.

Main Mirrors - Classes II & III

Main mirrors for buses and coaches.

Unbreakable Mirrors

Unbreakable mirrors for buses and coaches.

Mirror Arms - S1300 range

The S1300 range of mirror arms for buses and coaches use 19mm diameter tube and were originally designed with buses in mind. The diecast indexing bracket indexes at 22.5 degrees, having 16 different positions in a full 360 degree circle.

Mirror Arms - S1500 range

The S1500 range of mirror arms for buses and coaches use 28mm diameter steel tube for greater stability on the longer mirror arms widely used on buses these days. The arms adjust at 72 degree increments but can also be micro adjusted with Ashtree's unique system.