Ashtree produce construction equipment mirrors and beacons for specialist machinery. These include unbreakable mirrors for earth movers, interior mirrors for excavators, main mirrors for telehandlers – classes II & III, wide angle mirrors – classes IV, V & VI, interior mirrors, S1300 and S1500 mirror arms. Our twin lens mirrors can be powered and adjustable - ideal for large diggers.
We also supply beacons including green seat belt kits for construction machinery.
Browse the range of construction equipment mirrors in the PDF opposite (which you can download for ease of reference) or click on the links below to see specific products with full specifications.

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Browse the PDF for the following:
- Excavator mirrors
- Telehandler mirrors
- Earth mover mirrors
- Digger mirrors
Twin Lens, Powered and Adjustable Mirrors for construction equipment
Our twin lens mirrors are available as manual or power adjust with 12v or 24v options for specialist machines and earth moving equipment.

The twin lens M926CE mirror is widely used to increase visibility on different types of construction vehicles such as excavators, telehandlers, and dump trucks. The standard lens gives great rearward visibility whilst the wide-angle lens can be adjusted to cover blind-spots close to the side of the machine.
Main Mirrors - Classes II & III
Main mirrors for construction equipment and specialist vehicles.
Wide Angle Mirrors - Classes IV, V & VI
Wide angle mirrors for construction equipment and specialist vehicles.
Mirror Arms - S900 range
The S900 range of mirror arms are both strong and flexible, ideal for use in a construction or challenging environment. The main body is made from a high impact polymer which minimises vibration. The arm indexes at 20 degree increments, compared with most other arms that index at 45 degrees, giving you the best viewing position.
Profirst Beacons
Profirst beacons inclduing The Mighty Atom for construction vehicles. Reg 10 and Reg 65 approved beacons for outstanding warning light output.
Seat belts, kits and beacons
Fixed and flexible green seat belts, complete kits and green beacons for construction vehicles.
DIN Connectors
Ashtree DIN connectors for use with Flexi Din Beacons.
AVS Reverse Alarms
Reverse alarms for construction vehicles.